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Annual Meeting Questions & Answers

Published: August 22, 2022

During the annual meeting some of the homeowners had questions for the Board. I have included the Board’s response below.

1. Is the Board open to adding a homeowner to the Board prior to 100% build out. Preferably at the completion of phase 2.

    a. There are remaining phases to the development after Phase 2. Once the development is nearing the end of the final development phase, Homeowner’s will be added to the Board.

2. Would it be possible to add better lighting to the entrance of the community for safety reasons.

    a. We will assess how this can be accomplished and what budgeted funds from the HOA are available.

3. Some homeowners were told by the sales team that the community will be gated in the future.

    a. I apologize for any misunderstanding, and I will contact the Homebuilder sales team to ensure this misunderstanding does not continue. A gated community was never the plan. The roadways, drainage, and other infrastructure which benefit the community have been dedicated to Ellis County for them to own and maintain which helps to keep the HOA expenses to a minimum.

4. Are there any plans to add sod around the ponds.

    a. There are no plans for sod around the ponds.

I hope this information helps. Thank you

Best Regards,
Springside Estates HOA

Springside Estates HOA

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